Xartec Salut, the largest network of innovation research groups in Catalonia lead by CREB UPC, organized a working session with Xavier Aldeguer, General Director of Knowledge Transfer of the Government of Catalonia, to discuss how to tackle the main challenges of the Catalan Ecosystem.
A great opportunity to identify the main strands of work regarding the Healthtech field in order to consolidate valorization and techtransfer processes, with a focus in talent. Director and researcher Alexandre Perera and manager Berta Borràs agreed on the necessity of more tools to stimulate entrepreneurship, especially amongst doctoral students.
General Director Aldeguer concluded: “I really enjoyed Xartec’s vision of the Healthtech transferring scenario in our country. A world full of opportunities ahead and with much talent involved with a need to learn how to identify and enhance them. An encouraging challenge for all of us”.
Another interesting journey that allowed to introduce the different programmes of Xartec Salut to the main players and institutions of the industry.