UPC leads the ranking of industrial doctoral projects in Catalonia, with 27 projects (out of 96) developed in 2020, including the one from PhD student Linh Johansson, led by BBT and the company Mimetis Biomaterials.
Created in 2012, the UPC Doctoral School acts as a catalyst for the collaborations established between companies and centers outside the University with its own doctoral programs and research groups to find solutions to the scientific and technological challenges that society is facing. Since the launch of the program in 2012, the UPC has consolidated itself as the leader with 209 projects, out of a total of 694 awarded by Generalitat until 2020.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya leads, for the 8th consecutive year, the ranking of industrial doctorates in Catalonia, according to statistics published on the website of the Generalitat’s Doctorats Industrials. In 2020, the UPC leads 27 industrial research projects, out of the 96 developed (more than 28% of the total). Among these 27 projects, we find the thesis of PhD student Linh Johansson, who is working on the “Development of 3D-printed patient-specific, synthetic and biomimetic bone substitutes for load bearing applications”, under the supervision of Dr. Maria-Pau Ginebra (BBT) and Dr. Yago Raymond (Mimetis Biomaterials).
The Industrial Doctorate allows the participation of researchers in an industrial research or experimental development project in a company or institution. Thus, doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in an R & D & I project that generates high added value. Companies, for their part, benefit from working together with researchers of high scientific level and avant-garde knowledge, who can improve the competitiveness and internationalization of the company and be key allies for the future.