Today, CREB | UPC launches a redesigned homepage. What follows is what we’ve done and why.
The homepage we replace has given good service to the CREB | UPC, providing useful information about our research center. The page has been well-liked and well-used.
But it was time to make some changes, and with the incorporation of the new director Alex Perera, the right moment has come to prepare the Research Centre for new challenges and provide the best service and information to our audiences.
First, we wanted to make the website more informative and easily accessible; at CREB|UPC we prize utility, practicality, serendipity and exploration. We also wanted to clean up the navigation structure, creating a navigation system designed to orient visitors and get them where they want to go.
The top bar of our webpage contains seven menus to guide the navigator to useful information about us, our research groups and projects, our core technologies and the opportunities we offer on innovation to inspire companies, prospective students and researchers.
With our new website CREB|UPC aims at fostering cooperation between the researchers and industry, which has shown so extremely relevant with the last pandemic events.
Lastly, the CREB|UPC news section complements that effort. Building on biweekly news it aims to give the CREB|UPC community and our friends outside a regular dose of the Center’s news and culture: you’ll find a content changing often. We’ll do our best to keep these news varied and surprising, and we’ll feature their content on the homepage.
We invite you to navigate with us in this new and exciting journey, starting with our redesigned homepage.