This success story, framed in the TECNIOspring programme, has been driven by the researcher Marjan Mansourian, who has developed an online expert-based intelligent hybrid system that can diagnose high impact disorders and assess treatment outcomes and the motor rehabilitation of patients at the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). This project was accomplished under the supervision of support of Dr. Miquel Angel Mañanas and based on international collaboration with Germany, Canada, and Iran.
This technology uses inductive algorithms (e.g., GMDH) to calculate the probability for a subject to contact a specific disease given several factors. First, it was used to predict the chances of children and teenagers suffering from anxiety or depression. The outbreak of COVID19 gave Marjan Mansourian a new opportunity: testing the efficiency of this system in anticipating the length of patients’ stay in intensive care, the probability of suffering from long-term effects, and even the mortality of the virus according to the age, sex, previous illnesses, etc. It also proved to help identify patients who suffer from COVID19 from those who do not.
In the long run, this predictive model could be used with a wide range of pathologies and improve hospitals’ management efficiency.
Project on the European Commission portal