Last Monday 2nd, CREB UPC received a visit from the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), the main technological center of Denmark. Their visit was motivated by the search for synergies and collaboration between both institutions.
The Danish Technological Institute is a private entity founded in 1906 that has 7 departments, 70 laboratories, 1,000 specialists and 30 centers. Each center has several business branches. They provide services to 12,000 customers from 60 different countries and develop about 40,000 projects per year.
DTI organizes this type of benchmarking visits annually and have previously been to Brazil, Japan and the UK. In this case, the delegation was led by Dr. Joan Farré, CEO of DTI and President of the set of 7 GPS centers (RTOs) approved by the Danish government. Dr. Joan Farré was accompanied by: the Director of Construction and Building, the Director of Energy and Climate, the Director of DMRI (Danish Meat Research Institute), the Director of Environmental Technology, the Director of Materials, the Director of Production and Innovation, the Director of Agrotechnology, the Director of Finance and the Personal Assistant, Ms. Isa Conradsen PhD.

It was a pleasure to have such a complete delegation, which was very interested in our ability to valorize our investigation and bring it into the market. They also appreciated CREB’s approach when it comes to detecting real problems. In order to do so, we focus on both clinical settings and real users to try to respond through technological solutions. To reach these solutions, we work from our areas of expertise and also in collaboration with other centers, universities and hospitals.
We also took advantage of the visit to explain our strategy for generating spinoffs in CREB UPC, exposing our work methodology through Xartec Salut Venture Builder. In addition, we showed specific cases of spin-offs such as Able Human Motion. Our model mixes the spin-offs, research groups and students in the same physical spaces and it lets seeing firsthand any development carried out.