PhD. Serra Húnter Fellow. Research in multichannel EMG & EEG for rehabilitation & therapy. Research in the field of surgical robotics. CSO of Rob Surgical Systems, UPC spin-off. Broad experience in Project Management, Communication and Events’ organization. Robotics, computer vision and their medical application. Biomedical signal processing focused on pathologic and physiologic brain signals and neuroimage. Pattern Recognition in biomedical images. PhD development on biomarkers for motor rehabilitation of stroke patients. Biomedical Engineering. Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. Engineering Education. PhD in Science and Engineering of Materials. Chemical, physical and biological analysis of biomaterials. Research in dosimetry and radiation protection focused on interventional radiology staff. Biomedical applications of cold plasmas, current focus on cancer therapy with plasmas + biomaterials. Professor at UPC. Research in surgical, assistance and rehabilitation robotics. Research on exoskeletons for impaired gait. Expertise: system ID and modeling of human motion. Mechanical design. Biomechanical assistive devices. PhD student - Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Programme. Researcher and Head of the Radiological Protection Service of the UPC. Calcium phosphates: for bone regeneration, as antimicrobial properties and for cancer treatment. Cold Atmospheric Plasma in combination with Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Research focus: Motion analysis of people affected by motor diseased. Investigates on the prediction of human movement using optimal control. Research areas: medical instrumentation for e-health, EMC for medical devices and environments. Research areas: computer vision, robotics, telerobotics and telelaboratories. Human activity monitoring, Chemical sensors, Machine Learning, ECG signals. Full Professor and Head of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab. Co-founder and CSO at ABLE Human Motion. PhD in Computer Science. Research in areas of Computer Vision and Medical Robotics. Working at CREB UPC and the Xartec Salut network driving health innovation with a strong background in science communication. Monte Carlo simulation codes applied to Ocupational dosimetry. PhD in Electronic Engineering. Research focus: time series signal processing. Nonlinear-dynamics analysis of physiological signals under anaesthesia. Electrochemistry; flexible composites materials; organic electronics. Working in the design and development of data analysis and visualization in Share4Rare (EU Project). Biomedical Engineer, in the area of e-Health. Full professor and Head of the Group of Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering. PhD in Physics from UAB. Senior researcher and head of the Calibration and Dosimetry Lab at UPC. Mentoring biomedical engineering and working with cardiac signals using advanced and AI techniques. Innovation manager (CREB) & Adjunct prof. Innovation and Cultural Management (Economics School, UB). Design of cell instructive biomolecules for improving the bioactivity of biomaterials. Antibiotic-free strategies to combat infections in bone regeneration calcium phosphate biomaterials. Industrial PhD student - BBT/Mimetis Biomaterials. Research on 3D-printed synthetic bone grafts. Biomechatronics. Researcher in biomaterials for bone regeneration (calcium phosphate cements). Focus in 3D printing. Multifunctional hydrogels for advanced regenerative therapies. Human motion prediction using optimal control theory and subject-specific musculoskeletal models. Mechanobiology, Material properties of biological tissues / Serra-Húnter Professor. Working on models for prediction of Diabetes type 2 evolution and asthma-type crisis. Founder and leader of BIOART Group composed of engineers and physicians working on R+I. Research area focused on applying machine learning techniques to biological data. Cognitive Informatics in Health focusing on Computational Neurosciences and Medical Data mining. Development of new biomarkers to study the heart rhythm at the cellular level. Ramon y Cajal researcher and Principal Investigator at the UPC - Peptides and biomaterials. Computer Vision, Medical imaging, Image processing, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. Cold atmospheric plasma, bone cancer, osteosarcoma, bone cancer modelling. Head of BBT laboratory. Associate Professor. Technology transfer research. Mathematician (B.Sc, M.Sc.) and Data Scientist. Robotics, Teleoperation, Human-Robot interaction, Human-Machine interfaces. Working on the medical applications of electrical bioimpedance measures since 1997. Co-creation of open innovation activities by fostering synergies. Biomechanics, Dynamic simulation, foot‐ground contact modelling, pediction of human movement. Cardiovascular stents, bioresorbable materials, PLLA, Zn alloys, 3D printing, functionalization. Head of CREB, B2SLab group Leder, research on health data science. Biomedical Engineering. Biomaterials, Surf. treatments and coatings, Biomedical & Forensic Eng., Medical implants. Design of ultra low noise electronic biomedical measurement systems. Full Professor at UPC Electronics Department. Vice-president of ISEBI. Member of COMAR (IEEE-EMBS). Machine learning and application to artificial recognition of blood cells in hematological diseases. Health Tech Transfer Biomedical Engineer. Associate Professor at BBT, EEBE-UPC. Research interests: new bioactive surfaces; nanotechnology. Engineer ... researcher ... dreamer ... Research on new measurement methods in biotechnology, medicine and sports based on bioimpedance. Development of bioactive and antibacterial metal porous structures for orthopedic applications. Radiation transport physics and Monte Carlo simulation of the transport process. Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering. Study and generation of processing and quality control tools for metabolomics. Post doctoral researcher on plasma chemistry. Takes part of the research group BIOART in which she develops her PhD studying Rett Syndrome disease. Computer Graphics, medical images, serious games and gamifications. Nonlinear-dynamics analysis of physiological systems and characterization of their signals. Research on biocompatible shape memory alloys produced by 3D printing. Multifunctional scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Cold atmospheric plasma for immunogenic and selective cancer cell death.
Joan Francesc Alonso Lopez
Associate Professor - BIOART(SHP)
Josep Amat i Girbau
Emeritus Professor - GRINS
Noelia Aparicio Bádenas
Manager - BBT
Joan Aranda López
Associate Professor - GRINS
Alejandro Bachiller Matarranz
Assistant Professor - BIOART
Raul Benítez Iglesias
Associate Professor - ANCORA
Marta Borras Argemí
PhD Student - BIOART
Ramon Bragós Badia
Associate Professor - IEB
Judit Buxadera Palomero
Technician - BBT
Anna Camp Brunes
Researcher - DRM
Cristina Canal Barnils
Associate Professor - BBT
Alicia Casals Gelpí
Full Professor - GRINS
Massimo Cenciarini
Assistant Professor - BIOMEC
Daniel Clos Costa
Assistant Professor - BIOMEC
Laura del Mazo Barbara
PhD Student - BBT
Maria Amor Duch Guillen
Research Director - DRM
Montserrat Español Pons
Assistant Professor - BBT
Albert Espona Noguera
Researcher - BBT
Alessandra Favata
PhD Student - BIOMEC
Míriam Febrer Nafría
PostDoc Researcher - BIOMEC
Mireya Fernández Chimeno
Associate Professor - IEB
Josep Fernández Ruzafa
Associate Professor - GRINS
Jordi Fonollosa Magriñà
Associate Professor - B2SLab
Josep Maria Font Llagunes
Full Professor - BIOMEC
Manel Frigola Bourlon
Associate Professor - GRINS
Sonia Mañé Vernia
Communications Manager
Víctor García Balcaza
PhD Student - DRM
Miguel Ángel García González
Associate Professor - IEB
Gabriel García Hernando
PhD Student - B2SLab
José Manuel García Torres
Associate Professor - BBT
Jon Garrido Aguirre
PhD Student - B2SLAB
Jessyca Gil Rojas
PhD Student - IEB
Maria Pau Ginebra Molins
Full Professor - BBT
Mercè Ginjaume Egido
Researcher - DRM
Pedro Gomis Román
Associate Professor - B2SLab
Manel González Piñero
Innovation Manager
Jordi Guillem Martí
PostDoc Researcher - BBT
Marc Iglesias Fernández
PhD Student - BBT
Linh Johansson
PhD Student - BBT
Joan Lobo Prat
PostDoc Researcher - BIOMEC
Irene Lodoso Torrecilla
PostDoc Researcher - BBT
Patricia López Gómez
PhD Student - BBT
Filippo Maceratesi
PhD Student - BIOMEC
Andrea Malandrino
Associate Professor - BBT
Enrico Manzini
Technician - B2SLab
Miquel Àngel Mañanas Villanueva
Associate Professor - BIOART
Maria Maqueda González
PhD Student - B2SLAB
Hamid Reza Marateb
Researcher - BIOART
Xavier Marimon Serra
PhD Student - ANCORA
Carles Mas Moruno
Researcher - BBT (RYC)
Christian Mata Miquel
PostDoc - ANCORA
Miguel Mateu Sanz
PhD Student - BBT
Meritxell Molmeneu Trias
Laboratory Manager - BBT
Imanol Morata
PhD Student - B2SLab
Luis Miguel Muñoz Morgado
Assistant Professor - GRINS
Lexa Nescolarde Selva
Associate Professor - IEB
Cristina Páez Avilés
Business Development - Xartec Salut
Rosa Pàmies Vilà
Associate Professor - BIOMEC
Marta Pegueroles Neyra
Associate Professor - BBT
Alexandre Perera Lluna
Full Professor - B2SLab
David Piñera Avellaneda
PhD Student - BBT
Miquel Punset Fusté
Researcher - BBT
Juan José Ramos Castro
Associate Professor - IEB
Pere Riu Costa
Full Professor - IEB
José Rodellar Benedé
Full Professor - ANCORA
Alberto Rodríguez Cañada
Research and Innovation Promoter - Xartec Salut
Antonio Rodríguez Fernández
PhD Student - BIOMEC
Daniel Rodríguez Rius
Associate Professor - BBT
Sergio Romero Lafuente
Associate Professor - BIOART
Xavier Rosell Ferrer
Full Professor - IEB
Elisa Rupérez de Gracia
Researcher - BBT
Josep Sempau Roma
Associate Professor- DRM
Leidy Yanet Serna Higuita
PostDoc Researcher - BIOART
Pol Solà de los Santos
PhD Student - B2SLab
Francesco Tampieri
PostDoc Researcher - BBT
Ana Tost Abadias
PhD Student - BIOART
Daniela Tost Pardell
Associate Professor - CG
Montserrat Vallverdú Ferrer
Researcher - B2SLab
Tània Vilella i Crosas
PhD Student - BBT
Ángel Viteri León
PhD Student - BBT
Milica Zivanic
PhD Student - BBT