A pioneering Research by CREB and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu develops a revolutionary Algorithm for Diagnosing Medulloblastoma
A research group from the Biomedical Engineering Research Centre (CREB) at UPC and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute (IRSJD), has created EpiGe, a new web application that enhances […]
The CREB aims to explore the workshop “Biomechanical Technologies Applied to Research and Engineering”
The BIOMECH Lab group organizes at CREB a free and complete workshop on Biomechanical Technologies applied to research and engineering. This session aims to explore cutting-edge technologies and their applications […]
The BIOMEC Lab from CREB presents ArmTracker Project during the “Visit the Research of La Marató” initiative
On June 22, the BIOMEC research group from CREB UPC, in collaboration with the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics and the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, showcased the ongoing developments of the ArmTracker project to the public. The project aims to create a portable system for evaluating the motor function of patients diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy.
Renewal Agreement for the AMES Chair Strengthens CREB’s Research Impact
AMES Medical and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) have recently renewed their collaborative agreement, ensuring the continuation of the AMES Chair in design and innovation of new biomaterials. Located at the UPC’s Diagonal-Besòs Campus, the AMES Chair, plays a vital role in promoting education, research, result transfer, and scientific dissemination in the field of additive manufacturing for metallic biomaterials.
Maria Pau Ginebra, investigadora del CREB, dirigeix la càtedra en biomaterials de regeneració òssia creada per la UPC i l’empresa Galimplant
La Càtedra Galimplant de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC), constituïda el mes d’abril, té com a objectiu desenvolupar nous biomaterials per a la regeneració òssia, així com la seva caracterització i anàlisi en diferents situacions. La Càtedra també inclou activitats d’assessorament en processos d’innovació i millora, així com d’incentivació de la cooperació educativa i la divulgació.