En aquesta ocasió s’hi han presentat tres de les xarxes d'innovació catalanes finançades amb Fons FEDER i coordinades per investigadors de l'IRSJD i CREB UPC. La xarxa i4KIDS liderada pel Dr. Jaume Pérez Payarols, la xarxa TECSAM liderada pel Dr. Josep Maria Haro i Xartec Salut liderada pel Dr. Alexandre Perera. Els ponents han reivindicat la importància i el valor de l'emprenedoria en l'àmbit de la investigació.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya leads, for the 8th consecutive year, the ranking of industrial doctorates in Catalonia. Since the launch of the program in 2012, the UPC has consolidated itself as the leader with 209 projects, out of a total of 694 awarded by Generalitat until 2020. Among these 27 projects, we find the thesis of PhD student Linh Johansson, who is working on the "Development of 3D-printed patient-specific, synthetic and biomimetic bone substitutes for load bearing applications", under the supervision of Dr. Maria-Pau Ginebra (BBT) and Dr. Yago Raymond (Mimetis Biomaterials).
Xartec Salut, the largest network of innovation research groups in Catalonia lead by CREB UPC, participated in the two-day seminar “Train the Trainers” at The Collider, learning about Lean Launch Pad methodology. A unique tool to validate business potential of technology transfer projects and a system to bring universities and research centres closer to the industry. Xartec Salut team could share knowledge with other networks of our ecosystem such as Xarxa d'Innovació de Noves Tecnologies en Salut Mental (TECSAM) from Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu (IRSJD) and BlueNetCat-Xarxa Marítima alongside other members of the scientific community.
The student has been selected for her work on "Laser-assisted surface modification of zirconia-based materials to enhance osteoblast response for dental applications", the result of her Final Thesis of the Master in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering - AMASE at UPC. The grand final will take place on November 3rd, where the three selected students will present their work, in order to win the Best TFM in Materials Science awarded by SocieMat.
Xartec Salut, the largest network of innovation research groups in Catalonia lead by CREB UPC, organized a working session with Xavier Aldeguer, General Director of Knowledge Transfer of the Government of Catalonia, to discuss how to tackle the main challenges of the Catalan Ecosystem. Another interesting journey that allowed to introduce the different programmes of Xartec Salut to the main players and institutions of the industry.