Es tracta de formar científics de dades que puguin generar valor a partir del big data que es crea dins l’àmbit de la salut i que puguin contribuir a l’avenç de la medicina de precisió i personalitzada. Arriba en un moment d’inflexió en l’àmbit de la salut a escala global a causa de la pandèmia de la covid-19, que ha accelerat la necessitat de processar grans quantitats de dades biomèdiques per convertir-les en coneixement i millores del sistema. El màster en Ciències de Dades Biomèdiques de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili està dirigit a graduats en estudis científics i tècnics afins a la temàtica del màster (bioinformàtica, ciències, enginyeria) amb vocació d’especialitzar-se en ciència de dades en l’àmbit de la salut.
We are looking for a Tech Transfer Specialist for the Xartec Salut project with knowledge and experience in technology transfer. The main roles will be: 1) manage co-creation activities and promote synergies within the network and 2) foster the technology transfer of the technologies, negotiating licensing transactions and forming strategic alliances with other enterprises.
We are looking for a Valorization Support Person for the Xartec Salut project with experience in technology transfer. The main roles will be: 1) manage co-creation activities and promote synergies among Xartec Salut research groups 2) manage the back office operations of all the initiatives that we are launching within the network.
The situation experienced with COVID-19 where medical care has been overwhelmed and there is a difficulty to perform rapid and massive tests in an agile way in the population is the starting point of the project developed by CREB UPC (Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia) and funded by the Center for Development Cooperation UPC. The solution seeks to provide a low-cost tool that helps to reduce the burden on the healthcare system and act quickly in case COVID-19 symptoms are detected.
This new program will focus on supporting those startups that through technology try to introduce healthy living habits and improve the people's quality of life. The research born at CREB UPC and the "Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital de Sant Pau", supported by "The Collider" of Mobile World Capital Barcelona has matured and is offered through the first genetic report that analyzes the activation of the 22000 genes in our body.