
May 23, 2022

David Piñera i Miguel Mateu, doctorands del CREB UPC, primer i segon al Concurs “Hilo Tesis”

El dijous 12 de maig es van lliurar els premis de la “II Edición del Concurso Tu Tesis Doctoral en un Hilo de Twitter: #HiloTesis” que convoca la Xarxa de Divulgació i Cultura Científica de la Comissió Sectorial de I+D+i de la Conferència de Rectors de les Universitats Espanyoles. El concurs persegueix que aquells investigadors/es en formació puguin divulgar la seva tesi doctoral en un fil de no més de 20 tuits adaptant el contingut a un llenguatge senzill, accessible i atractiu.

May 10, 2022

Alfons Carnicero, CEO of the CREB’s Spin-off Able Human Motion has been recognized as MIT Innovator Under 35

Alfons Carnicero Carmona has been recognized as MIT Innovator Under 35 Europe 2022 by MIT Technology Review EmTech Europe. The awards span advancements in a wide range of fields such as biotechnology, medicine, electronics, hardware, artificial intelligence, and robotics. In this case, the award recognizes the amazing work of the AbleHumanMotion team creating the next generation of light and accessible exoskeleton technology.

May 5, 2022

Denmark’s leading technology center, Danish Technological Institute, visits CREB seeking for synergies

Last Monday 2nd, CREB UPC received a visit from the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), the main technological center of Denmark. Their visit was motivated by the search for synergies and collaboration between both institutions. It was a pleasure to have such a complete delegation, which was very interested in our ability to valorize our investigation and bring it into the market. We also took advantage of the visit to explain our strategy for generating spinoffs in CREB UPC, exposing our work methodology through Xartec Salut Venture Builder.

May 4, 2022

Exheus, spin-off del CREB, abre al público su ronda de financiación con Capital Cell para lanzarse al mercado europeo

La compañía está especializada en la realización de pruebas ARNm y, con la financiación recibida, pretende llevar a cabo un ensayo clínico orientado a pacientes obesos para obtener el marcado CE, a la vez que refuerza el área B2B de la compañía. El funcionamiento de las pruebas de Exheus se fundamenta sobre el análisis de sangre. Estas pruebas son capaces de secuenciar el ARNm, detectar los biomarcadores y definir de forma más individualizada el funcionamiento del organismo del usuario.

May 2, 2022

CREB’s Professor and Researcher, Alicia Casals, co-organizer of the 11th edition of the Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery

The 11th edition of Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS) took place from April 25-27, 2022, at Centro Congressi Federico II in Napoli, Italy. CRAS aims to support and propose concrete measures to accelerate research and innovation in Robotic Surgery, which is a key factor for the introduction of new surgical procedures not feasible otherwise, as well as for improving current procedures by providing new assistive tools that allow achieving more precision and higher surgical performances.