Nowadays, 78% of companies claim to perform some type of open innovation, achieving better results than those that continue with a closed innovation approach. Some of the benefits that have been evidenced are better financial results, mitigation of risks and costs or decreased time to market. Innovation culture within companies and other types of organizations became a fundamental element in their operation. Henry Chesbrough is attributed to be the father of open innovation since the term was first coined in a book published by him in 2003. Almost 20 years after Chesbrough's first book, the balance of implementing open innovation seems to be positive, however, it has been evidenced that there are still many challenges ahead to overcome, even more in this current era of rapid change and uncertainty.
Aquest dimecres 2 de març ha arrencat el cicle de converses SOCIETAT PANTALLA, comissariat i moderat per Manel González-Piñero, director d'innovació del CREB UPC. L'objectiu del cicle és obrir un espai de reflexió sobre quin ús han de tenir les pantalles en les nostres vides i quin poder tenen. La pantalla defineix els termes en els quals podem percebre i interactuar amb la informació, i aquests termes estan incrustats en el format que proposa la interfície. Així, l’efecte més poderós del mitjà és el missatge (McLuhan), que situa la forma per sobre del contingut. Però és l’ésser humà qui crea aquestes eines, que alhora transformen com percebem, pensem i actuem.
In the past years, Novameat’s plant based products will be on the market already in 2022, where the Spanish food service from steak-houses, to vegan, vegetarian and traditional restaurants, will be the testing ground. In 2023, Scionti expects to launch Novameat’s products to be in retails in partnership with food and beverage established companies.
El curs tindrà lloc de manera presencial a Barcelona el 2 de març de 2022 sota el títol de: La robòtica en la medicina. Camps d'aplicació i equips disponibles. En aquest curs es farà una exposició de les possibilitats actuals de la Robòtica en Medicina i s'analitzaran les característiques i capacitats dels principals equips existents. Aquesta visió àmplia de les possibilitats actuals de la Robòtica en aquest camp, permet també oferir una perspectiva de les possibilitats futures en el desenvolupament d'aquests equipaments mèdics. El curs està orientat cap a enginyers en el camp biomèdic i personal mèdic interessat en la tecnologia, així com responsables d'equipament en hospitals.
In recent days, numerous media have reported the news of a great advance for science, and especially for all those people with spinal cord injury and their medical and caregiver teams. The ONWARD team has developed an epidural electrical stimulation system using electrodes placed in the epidural space (between the vertebrae and the spinal cord membrane), which has allowed subjects to walk again. The ABLE Exoskeleton is a medical device designed to facilitate the work of different therapists to perform gait assistance. Devices such as the ABLE Exoskeleton become a very useful tool to be able to get the most out of the intervention, adapting the level of assistance (force made by the robot) in each joint to the specific needs of the patient in each phase of the rehabilitation process.